Martin Dixon
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Commercial Lighting

Prismalence efficient CDM lighting

Truly astounding! Prismalence lighting units project a very high percentage of the energy used as near sunlight quality light exactly where you want it.

Made by Martin The LGO content management system makes it very easy to maintain this site with a great deal of lighting installation photographs.

Charity / Voluntary
ChristChurch Fulham
ChristChurch Fulham

Very active church community website. The church members have put up a really great collection of photos that make all the pages on this site look really exciting. Easy to see upcoming events, latest news and general information on home page with detailed articles via a coupe of clicks. On-line conference ticketing system with PROTX payments.

Made by Martin The LGO content management system (CMS) allows many editors to very easily update the site in a controlled manner. Pages, events and news items are simple to add or change.

Kids Kidney Research

Kidney Research Logo

Kids Kidney Research charity's new website to raise money to fund research into children's kidney diseases. Great Ormond Street Hospital's paediatric renal unit is one beneficiary. Perhaps you can help, maybe by linking to them. One of my older clients, this is the second re-branding website I have built for them.

Made by Martin Re-branding of the established K.R.A.F. charity website. Easy to navigate a comprehensive site. Now LGO content managed.

London Corinthian Trust
London Corinthian Trust

Charity that looks after the Linden House building housing a sailing and rowing club on the Thames at Hammersmith.

Made by Martin Clear, professional looking and informative.

Honey de Lacey
Honey de Lacey

Honey de Lacey is an artist specialising in conté and pastel portraits. She studied at Les Beaux Arts in Paris and London Art School. her works include oil landscapes, children's fairytale fantasy and book illustrations. She lives and works in Notting Hill, West London.

Made by Martin New website.

Event Management
Cool Logistics
Cool Logistics Conference

Cool Logistics, the Global Cold Supply Chain Conference. Revisit the fundementals of the global reefer trades and food distribution chains from farm to shelf. Also

Made by Martin LGO CMS enabled live site in less than a week!

African Business Events
African Business Events

African related events, outsourced conferences, information and country briefings.

Made by Martin This site up in 24hrs from initial client call.

Linden House 

Linden House riverside venue in Hammersmith

Linden House is an elegant Grade II listed west London riverside venue available for hire. The catering is fantastic.

Made by Martin Worked closely with client staff to get great content - text and super photos. Staff can update anytime with CMS. Go-live instantly produced results!


Mark's Places quality self catering properies in Switzerland and South Italy

Mark's places luxury self catering include: Top quality Chalet in Klosters, Switzerland, actually two sites for winter and for the warmer months, a rural cottage and for two trulli, something special in the south of itally.

Made by Martin Clear and comprehensive sites. Neat linking between the two sites. Targetted web marketing has exceeded bookings goals in first couple of months! New: Neat Slideshow.

London Corinthian Sailing Club
London Corinthian Sailing Club Logo

The friendliest and most active sailing club in London. Extensive programme of offshore, dinghy, racing, cruising and social events. Situated on the Thames in Hammersmith.

Made by Martin I designed and run this website, which brings in most of the new members as well as providing sailing information to members and non members. This is a big, dynamic site with several web-editors. I designed the database based system which enables menus, calendars and pages to be maintained easily.

X1 Riverboat
X1 Riverboat

The latest performance racing dingy is now in production. What a fantastic boat! Scorchingly fast in almost no wind!

Made by Martin Lots of info and photographs and a video I edited.

C H Sailing
C H Sailing

Adventures, Training, Ocean racing and cruising on Peter Hopps' 52ft Ocean Racing Yacht "Nisida". A fantastic boat you can race or cross the Atlantic. RYA Training and crew positions available for major regattas. Currently in the West Indies.

Made by Martin The site has grown with me, It is the fourth design in a period of several years. As always: clear, simple and informative.

Cameron Maritime Resources
CMR Logo

Steve Cameron's successful maritime business covers a wide range of services from recruitment through management and research to specialized West African work.

Made by Martin This is a bright colourful site where a lot of information is clearly presented so the user can get to what he wants in a click or two, yet the home page is uncluttered. An attractive collection of photographs adds character to the site. Steve has had some great feedback.

African Maritime Agencies
AMR Logo

AMA is an association of subsidiary and existing independent shipping agents and stevedores located in West Africa.

Made by Martin Simple but graphically distinctive, with interesting ways to index a list of agents.


A Member of the UK Society of Maritime Industries, the Ports & Maritime Consulting Group (PMCG) offers the ports and maritime industries expert consultancy services in a range of disciplines in the marine transport and related sectors, including: Planning, Development, Management, Operations, Finance, Marketing, Forecasting, Energy, Environment, Recruitment and Training.

Made by Martin Simple site.

Frank-Partners Health and Fitness Guru

Luxembourg based Frank-Partners works with clients over the long term to develop and execute an appropriate Services strategy that increases revenues and profitability, by releasing their organisations inherent knowledge and capability.

Made by Martin Small CMS Site.

Health and Fitness Guru

Personal holidtic training for a better life - based in Ealing.

Made by Martin Simple site with careful choice of colour.

Kevin Nye: Brickwork and Pointing Specialists

For finest modern and traditional brickwork and pointing with an extremely high quality of service from highly skilled, qualified, experienced and dedicated craftsmen.

Made by Martin Simple Website.

Hodgkins Associates
Hodgekins Associates: Chartered Architects

Paul Hodgkins' chartered architects practice. Specializing in the areas of social housing, energy efficiency consultancy and urban design - green and intelligent design.

Made by Martin Simple website.

Hutchins & Green
H & G Logo

Oxford based commercial and private building and glazing.

Made by Martin I designed and built this simple but effective website.

Dave Wax Bespoke Tailors
Dave Wax Bespoke Craftsmemn Tailors
One of the rare genuine bespoke tailors left in London. All British materials and hand craftsmanship.

Made by Martin A simple site, well optimised, so we hope will draw in new customers.

African Art
African Art Logo

Interesting graphic layout based on African Batik.

Made by Martin Considering the very high graphic content of this site this is a very fast loading site.


A site for friends of O.T. Africa Line around the world.

Made by Martin Shows use of customer administered private e-mail discussion group.


Martin Dixon         5-b Julien Road, Ealing W5 4XA     +44 (0)20 8354 0510    +44 (0)79 0099 1905     8th June 2013